Application Note for QuNect ODBC for QuickBase

Synching a SQL Server table in Quickbase

The following stored procedure will synch a table from SQL Server to Quickbase. After running this stored procedure the table in Quickbase will be up to date with the table in SQL Server. Records that have been deleted on SQL Server will only be deleted in Quickbase if the @deleteOrphanRecords is equal to 1. If you set the @deleteOrphanRecords equal to 1 then there must be a checkbox field in the Quickbase table called Orphan. This checkbox field is used to efficently determine which Quickbase records need to be deleted. This stored procedure only modifies the Quickbase table, not the corresponding SQL Server table. It has a required parameter: SQLTableName. The SQLTableName should be the name of the table in SQL Server that you want to synch over to Quickbase. Another required parameter is the dbid of the Quickbase table to synch information to. In addition you'll need to set the required parameter QDBAppName to the name of the Quickbase application. You can find the DBID of a Quickbase table by reading the How to Find the DBID of a Quickbase Table application note. You'll also need to identify a field in the SQL Server table that changes whenever a modification is made to any other field in the same SQL Server record. This field must be a datetime field. A typical name for this kind of field is Date Modified. This SQL Server field's name should become the value of the required parameter called SQLDateModifiedFieldName. Next you'll need to identify a field in the corresponding Quickbase table that is also a Date / Time field. The name of this field should become the value of the required parameter QuickBaseDateModifiedFieldName. Every Quickbase table comes with five built-in fields. One of these is a Date / Time called Date Modified. This is a read-only field and only Quickbase modifies the value of this field when other field values change. The parameter QuickBaseDateModifiedFieldName should never be set to the name of this field. You must use another user created Date / Time field. Another pair of field names need to be specified. The key field in SQL Server SQLKey and the copy of this key field in Quickbase QDBKey. They need to be of the same type of course. Also the key field of the Quickbase table should be set to QDBKey. Then you'll need to specify two comma delimited lists of fields names. QuickBaseFieldList and SQLFieldList. These two field lists need to have the same number of fields in them and they have to have matching field types. They should not contain the fields defined previously as SQLKey and QDBKey. Field names within these comma separated lists will have to be double quote enclosed.


-- =============================================
-- Author:		Claude von Roesgen Copyright 2008
-- Create date: 01/11/2008
-- Description:	Synchronize a table from SQL Server to Quickbase.
--				This stored procedure depends on the existance of a linked server called
--				Quickbase. To create this linked server run the following SQL:
--					EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 
--					@server = 'QuickBase', 
--					@provider = 'MSDASQL',
--					@srvproduct = 'QuNect',
--					@provstr = 'DSN=QuickBase via QuNect;UID=claude;PWD=YourPassword' 
--					GO
--              After you have your linked server in place you're ready to run the stored 
--				procedure below. Both the SQL Server table and the Quickbase table must preexist.
--				Only the records that have been modified since the last
--				sync will be imported. Records that have been deleted on SQL Server will only
--				be deleted in Quickbase if the @deleteOrphanRecords is equal to 1.
--				You must double quote enclose field names within the @SQLFieldList and @QuickBaseFieldList parameters.
--				For example you must refer to Date Created as "Date Created". 
--				Since field names are easily changed in Quickbase you may want to refer to the fields 
--				by their field identifiers instead of their field labels. The field identifiers never
--				change, even when the field name is changed.
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SyncSQLServerQuickBaseTable]
@SQLTableName VarChar(255),
@QDBAppName VarChar(255),
@dbid VarChar(255),
@SQLDateModifiedFieldName VarChar(255),
@QuickBaseDateModifiedFieldName VarChar(255),
@SQLKey VarChar(255),
@QDBKey VarChar(255),
@SQLFieldList VarChar(8000),
@QuickBaseFieldList VarChar(8000),
@deleteLocalOrphanRecords bit = 1

		-- Find the latest date modified of the Quickbase records
		-- and then do an inner join with SQL Server records to see which records have
		-- changed on the SQL Server server since the last synch. Delete those records 
		-- in Quickbase and then refetch them from SQL Server and put them back into Quickbase.
		DECLARE @insertSQL VarChar(8000)
		SET @insertSQL = '
		DECLARE @maxQDBDateModified datetime
		SELECT @maxQDBDateModified = maxQDB FROM OPENQUERY(QUICKBASE, ''SELECT TOP 1 "'+@QuickBaseDateModifiedFieldName+'" as maxQDB FROM "'+@dbid+'" ORDER BY "'+@QuickBaseDateModifiedFieldName+'" DESC'')
		print ''Looking for SQL records modified on or after: '' 
		SET @maxQDBDateModified = ISNULL(@maxQDBDateModified, ''1900-1-1'')
		print @maxQDBDateModified
		INSERT INTO Quickbase."' + @QDBAppName + '".."'+@dbid+'" ("' + @QDBKey + '",' + @QuickBaseFieldList + ') SELECT "' + @SQLKey + '",' + @SQLFieldList + ' FROM "' + @SQLTableName + '"
		WHERE "'+@SQLDateModifiedFieldName+'" >= @maxQDBDateModified
		PRINT @insertSQL
	-- Now look for all orphaned records using an outer join
	-- and delete the orphans.
	DECLARE @deleteSQL VarChar(8000)
	if @deleteLocalOrphanRecords = 1		
            -- Mark all records in Quickbase as orphans
            PRINT 'Marking all records as orphans'
            SET @deleteSQL = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QUICKBASE, ''UPDATEOQ "'+@dbid+'" SET Orphan = 1'')'
            -- Now mark all records in Quickbase that are also in SQL Server as not orphans
            PRINT 'Selectively marking records as non-orphans'
            SET @deleteSQL = 'INSERT INTO Quickbase."' + @QDBAppName + '".."'+@dbid+'" ("' + @QDBKey + '", Orphan) SELECT "' + @SQLKey + '", 0 FROM "' + @SQLTableName + '"'
            -- Now delete all records in Quickbase marked as orphans
            SET @deleteSQL = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(QUICKBASE, ''DELETEOQ FROM "'+@dbid+'" WHERE Orphan = 1'')'